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Our mosque

A mosque for the region of Arlon very soon ? We need you !

For more than 10 years, the Muslims of Arlon have actively participated in citizen dialogue. Many citizens' exchanges, meetings and working hours have certainly contributed to the good living together and to the serene and peaceful climate of our city.

The association of the Muslims of Arlon has also always multiplied citizen actions in the region and elsewhere, with a single goal, reaching out to other people: fundraising for the support of the victims of the Tsunami, help to refugees, fundraising for the renovation of the Synagogue of Arlon, clothing drive for the most disadvantaged, etc.

However, despite this historic presence, we have never had the opportunity to have a mosque, but only temporary places. This situation caused us a lot of difficulties such as a consequent lack of space during the Friday prayers, the logistical impossibility of responding to all requests for Arabic lessons or even a lot of logistical difficulties to organize the month of Ramadan. But we have always been positive!

Today, despite the very complicated climate of the covid-19 pandemic, good news has arrived!

We have the opportunity to acquire an isolated property in the center of Arlon which could officially become our mosque.

The facilities of this property would be perfect to accommodate the community throughout the year without any risk of disturbing the neighborhood.

To buy this property, we must collect the sum of € 266,000 for May 05, 2020.

This is why today we are asking for your help for this opportunity which may not happen again.

We need you !

You can make a donation to the following account number: IBAN: BE04 7420 2305 6531 (BIC: CREGBEBB)

Communication: Donation/surname firstname/project2020

Or via paypal on the link below.

Thank you all for your generosity.

«Those who spend their wealth night and day (in Allah 's way), secretly and in public, their reward is with their Lord, and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.». (Quran 2.274).